A practical blog for professionals
Did Your Eyes Cry While You Smoked?
Chirasree Saha, B.Optom Intern Optometrist, Dr. Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital, Delhi, India Introduction Smoking tobacco is one of the leading issues that have created a negative effect on the human eye. Smoking induces dissimilar ocular conditions such as...
The Significance of Measuring Axial Length in Myopia
Sapam Bishwamitra Singh, B.Optom M.Optometry (Student), Bansara Institute of Ophthalmic Sciences, Shillong-India. Introduction Myopia is defined as short sightedness or "When accommodation is at rest, parallel light beams from infinity concentrate in front of...
Role of Bandage Contact Lenses as First Line of Management in Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy
Vivek Chauhan, B.Optom Intern Optometrist, Dr. Shroff's Charity Eye Hospital, New Delhi, India INTRODUCTION: Corneal oedema with epithelial bullae are often seen due to the loss of endothelial cells following cataract surgery, which eventually leads to...
Thyroid Eye Disease: When Your Eyes Talk about Thyroid Status
Kheyali Mondal, B.Optometry Oculoplasty Optometrist, Dr. Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital, New Delhi, India Introduction Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is an immune mediated inflammatory disorder, usually abbreviated as TED, also known as Graves’ orbitopathy or Thyroid...
Is Under-Correcting Myopia Helpful to Prevent Myopia Progression?
Kristi Sharma, B.Optom M.Optom student, The Sankara Nethralaya Academy, Chennai, India Introduction Myopia is a type of refractive error in which the image of an object we see, forms in front of the retina rather than falling on the retina.(Figure 1) This...
Relationship Between Primitive Reflex and Eye
Deepika K, B.Optom Fellowship in Clinical Optometry, Aravind Eye Care System, Chennai, India Primitive reflexes are involuntary motor responses originating in the brainstem, present after birth in early child development, that facilitate survival. (1) These...
Psychophysics and its Role in Vision Sciences: Part I
Dr. Abhishek Mandal, Ph.D. Founder, Vision Science Academy, London, United Kingdom Vision Science Academy Exclusive What is Psychophysics? Psychophysics is a broad, interdisciplinary field which correlates basic physical phenomena such as light, sound,...
Psychophysics in Visual Search & Eye Tracking: Part II
Dr. Abhishek Mandal, Ph.D. Founder, Vision Science Academy, London, United Kingdom Vision Science Academy Exclusive As elaborated in the first half of this article, the applicability of psychophysics principles in vision sciences is multifaceted. In...
Early Detection of Congenital Ocular Disorder is Important
Khushi Kansal, B.Optom M.Optometry (Final Year Student), GD Goenka University, Gurugram, India Any abnormalities during the formation of the eye in the human embryo can lead to congenital ocular anomalies. As literature suggests, 5 out of every 10,000 live...
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