Journal of Vision Science accepts Research articles, Literature review, Latest Tools & Techniques.


To submit an article authors can email their article to  For initial submission authors can submit manuscript text and figures in one single file. Authors can submit their manuscripts with a cover letter addressed to the editor with the title of the manuscript.  Cover letter should include the information about the corresponding author. Submitting author automatically becomes the corresponding author. Cover letter should also include the importance of the article to be published. Author can provide/suggest the contact information of the suitable reviewers and also may request the exclusion of certain reviewers.

Corresponding author need to provide a minimum one contribution per author. All the authors must approve this by email.

Style & Format:

  • Manuscripts must be in .DOC or .DOCX format. Microsoft word documents should not be locked or protected.
  • All the images must be in .TIFF format.
  • No restriction on the length of the manuscript, but we recommend that you present your work concisely.
  • Use continuous page and line numbers without any breaks.
  • Manuscript must be double spaced.
  • Abbreviations must be used if they appear more than three times in the manuscript.
  • References must be in Vancouver style.


  • Use SI units for measurements.
  • Use HGNC for gene nomenclature. Write in Italics.
  • Use Recommended International Non-Proprietary Name (rINN) for drugs.

Sections of the Manuscript:


Should address the main objectives of the study. Should also include a brief description on how the study has been done, important results and their significance without exceeding the 300-word limit.


Introduction section must include a brief background of the study, review of the key literature, importance of the study and how it addressed the problem and a brief statement of the overall aim of the work and a comment about whether that aim was achieved

Materials & Methods:

Provide detailed information on the material used and methodology to allow suitably skilled investigators to fully replicate your study.

Results & Discussions:

This section should describe the results of the experiments, the interpretation of these results. Authors should describe the results and explain how results relate to the hypothesis presented as the basis of the study. Authors should also provide an explanation of the implications of the findings in relation to previous studies.


Remind the reader briefly why the study has been carried out. Discuss the results and conclude how the results support or disprove the hypothesis. Authors should say how the article constitutes a contribution to knowledge. Discuss potential future directions for research.


Acknowledgements must be brief. Grant or contribution numbers may be acknowledged.

Supporting information:

Authors can submit essential supporting files. All supporting information will be subject to peer review. All file types can be submitted. Supporting information will be not copyedited and published exactly as provided.

Competing interests:

Authors are also required to declare any competing interests. Editors and reviewers will be excluded from the peer review process if a competing interest exists.


References should be numbered sequentially throughout the text. Include patents, research datasets and published conference abstract that have been assigned a digital object identifier (DOI).