Ophthalmic Photography competition

  • Participants should be a member of VSA
  • Photograph must be original taken by the participant which have not been published anywhere.
  • Participants are limited to on two submissions of different photograph per person.
  • Current and former staff, instructor of the VSA cannot participate in the competition.
  • Competition submissions must not include any endorsements of products or services, or any obscene, violent, racist, religious intolerance or defamatory content.

Incomplete entries or entries that do not comply with the formal specifications will be automatically disqualified.

General guidelines for submissions:

  1. There is no processing or publication fee applicable.
  2. Original, high quality (with at least 300 dpi resolution) images (JPEG or TIFF) are desirable for all submissions.
  3. No software edited (Android filters, photoshop, Picasa etc.) photographs are allowed for submission.
  4. Photograph can be taken by Mobile phone, DSLR camera, Slit lamp attached camera, Fundus camera, OCT.
  5. A separate title page with a clear title of 6-8 words, name(s) of contributor(s) – not more than two, highest academic degree and affiliation(s).
  6. A corresponding author should be assigned for every submission along with e mail address.
  7. A brief description of photograph, with about 50-100 words, need to submit along photograph.
  8. Undertaking and copyright transfer forms should be submitted duly signed by both the contributing authors for every clinical ophthalmic photograph.
  9. At any point, should it be determined that a given photograph is previously reported/published, this will lead to disqualification.
  10. Conflict of Interest should be declared for each submission under a separate heading.
  11. No references are to be included in the submissions