Workplace Eye Wellness Month is observed annually in March to raise awareness about the importance of eye health and safety in the workplace. The initiative emphasises the significance of protecting eyes from potential hazards and strain that can occur in various work environments, including offices, industrial settings, and outdoor workspaces.

Key focuses include:

1. Prevention of Eye Strain: With the increasing use of computers and digital devices in the workplace, digital eye strain (also known as Computer Vision Syndrome) has become a common issue. Recommendations often include practicing the 20-20-20 rule (every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds), ensuring proper lighting, and using anti-glare screens.

2. Protection from Physical and Chemical Hazards: For jobs involving physical labor, construction, manufacturing, or the handling of chemicals, eye protection is crucial. Safety measures include wearing protective eyewear like safety glasses, goggles, face shields, and helmets designed to shield eyes from harmful exposure.

3. Awareness and Education: Organisations are encouraged to educate employees about eye wellness, including the risks of UV exposure, the importance of regular eye exams, and the proper use of prescription eyewear if needed.

4. Regular Eye Exams: Encouraging regular, comprehensive eye exams to detect vision changes, eye conditions, and diseases early on is a key component of maintaining eye wellness in the workplace.

Workplace Eye Wellness Month serves as a reminder for employers and employees alike to prioritise eye health as part of their overall well-being strategy. It encourages the implementation of eye-friendly practices and safety standards to prevent eye injuries and strain, thereby promoting a healthier, more productive work environment.