ViSThON 2022-23 | Webinar 4 | Mrs. Archayeeta Rakshit

Topic: Emerging Trends in Amblyopia Treatment

Mrs. Archayeeta Rakshit
B. Optom, M. Phil
Doctoral Research Student
School of Optometry and Vision Science
Queensland University of Technology, Australia

In this webinar, Mrs. Archayeeta Rakshit will discuss several suggestions for improving the therapeutic approach to amblyopia. Some are purely monocular, some are monocular under otherwise binocular conditions, and some are purely binocular to enable simultaneous use of both eyes. This talk will summarise different treatment approaches for amblyopia.

Webinar Scheduled on
Monday, 31st October 2022
1:30PM (BST), 6:00PM (IST), 10:30PM (AEST)


Join us in the 4th of the series of 50 Webinars.