- Participants should be a member of VSA
- Photograph must be original which have not been published anywhere and taken by the participant
- Participants are limited to on two submissions of different photograph
- Current and former staff members, instructors of the VSA is not encouraged to participate in the competition
- Competition submissions must not include any endorsements of products or services, or any obscene, violent, racist, religious intolerance or defamatory content
- Incomplete entries or entries that do not comply with the formal specifications will be automatically disqualified
General guidelines for submissions:
- There is no processing or publication fee applicable.
- Original, high quality (with at least 300 dpi resolution) images (JPEG or TIFF) are desirable for all submissions.
- No software edited (Android filters, Photoshop, Picasa etc.) photographs are allowed for submission.
- Photograph can be taken by Mobile phone, DSLR camera, Slit lamp attached camera, Fundus camera, OCT.
- A separate title page with a clear title of 6-8 words, name(s) of contributor(s) – not more than two, highest academic degree and affiliation(s) should be included.
- A corresponding author should be assigned for every submission along with email address.
- A brief description of photograph, with about 50-100 words, need to submit along photograph.
- Undertaking and copyright transfer forms should be submitted duly signed by both the contributing authors for every clinical ophthalmic photograph.
- At any point, should it be determined that a given photograph is previously reported/published, this will lead to disqualification.
- Conflict of Interest should be declared for each submission under a separate heading.
- No references are to be included in the submissions.
For submissions, email us at: contest@visionscienceacademy.org
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