Priyanka Ray , M.A., B.Ed.

Digital Strategist, Vision Science Academy


The COVID 19 pandemic has cast a disastrous spell over the whole world. It has affected every sphere of human life – social, academic, and economic. The severity of the pandemic has caused educational institutions across the world to close temporarily, to limit the spread of the disease and save lives.

A huge percentage of the global student population has been affected by the pandemic. Most academic institutions were closed temporarily, and education was severely affected all over the world. The shutdown of schools had also affected childcare, school meal programs, learning and behavioral outcomes among students. Several examinations were postponed, cancelled and some were even moved online. Online education became the only alternative for educating students in the pandemic situation.

At present remote learning has become the most widespread medium for educating students throughout the world. Most schools and colleges have opted for remote learning to impart education to students with minimum risk of social transmission. Students can learn from the comfort of their home without having to travel anywhere. Students must stay motivated and rely on their own resources for successful remote learning.

A computer, working internet connection are essential requirements for successful online education. Sometimes students from distant, rural areas and underprivileged families do not have access to these technological resources. Thus, they are often deprived of education. Due to the severity of the pandemic, several libraries have been closed, making the internet a valuable tool for academic reference. Students from underprivileged families are the worst affected by the pandemic. Presence of children at home can even prevent parents from going out for work, thus affecting household economy. Children also miss out the free meals and care provided by some schools. Lack of adequate digital skills, electricity, technological resources including computer and internet connection often deprive many students of the opportunity of continuity of education at home.

To ensure the continuation of education among students, the academic institutions have turned towards online learning. Students can learn from their homes according to their own planned time schedules. The only necessities are a computer and internet connection. Teachers are providing online or recorded video lectures. Students can have virtual interaction with their teachers and can access online academic resources according to their own preferences. Students can even appear for online tests to check the extent of their learning. Online libraries provide extensive collection of academic resources.

Technology has made education available at every student’s doorstep without the hassle of travel in this pandemic situation. Students can access online learning and continue with their education safely at home. Ensuring every student’s successful access to online education will have a positive impact on society in years to come.

Vision Science Academy has established a collaborative training platform as an initiative to overcome the adverse impact of the pandemic situation on the educational arena. Their aim is to ensure students and professionals can upgrade their skills and undergo  training from the safety of their homes. Further to that Vision science academy has introduced webinars to its members  from  respected universities  and institutions  to provide guest lectures on relevant topics.