Priyanka Ray, M.A, B.Ed.

Digital Strategist, Vision Science Academy

Remote learning is widely popular in the present educational landscape due to the diverse opportunities it presents to human lifestyle.  Online education or remote learning takes place when a learner or tutor are in separate locations or different time zones and connected by means of a computer, which serves as an effective medium for conveying instructions and planned lessons. Remote learning offers more flexibility to students compared to a traditional classroom environment and is rapidly gaining immense popularity among students and teachers worldwide. Students or professionals in any part of the world can easily access course content and undergo personalized training without having to leave the comfort of their home.

Students find remote learning highly convenient as they can learn remotely at their own speed and can choose their preferred locations for hands-on training or workshops. Unlike traditional classroom settings with rigid rules and procedures, students can effectively continue with their training while carrying out their personal duties at the same time. A computer and stable internet connection are sufficient for successful online education to take place. Online educational platforms allow students to easily access academic resources, undergo training and students can even interact with their teachers with the help of video calling applications.

Sometimes thoroughly extensive, enriched and customized course content can even prove to be a better alternative to buying expensive books. As a result, students can cut down their expenses, spend less and save more money. Remote students can also save more time as they can learn from their own home without having to travel anywhere. Online education is an effective platform for students to gain knowledge, undergo extensive training, assess their knowledge and improve their existing professional skills without having to worry about time constraints, unnecessary expenses or the inconvenience of travelling.

Recent studies show that students learn better online as they can learn independently from the convenience of their own home and can have better and more flexible interaction with their trainers through video calling software whenever required. In the present era, professionals are required to keep their skills updated all the time due to rapid technological advancements and increasing competition. Online education offers flexibility to people with full time jobs so that they can focus on their job and have the opportunity to upgrade their skills at the same time. Professionals or students can access their online educational resources and undergo customized training anytime they want.

Online education makes it easier for students in any corner of the globe to communicate with their teachers, irrespective of differences in time or location. Students learn better as they can have instantaneous and effective communication with their teachers whenever required. Social interaction with peers is also possible due to the easy availability of diverse networking applications and tools.

Remote learning inspires students to stay motivated and take responsibility for their own learning. Students learn to become self-disciplined and can effectively manage time by planning their convenient schedules for learning. Thus, students become more focused, organized, disciplined and self-reliant.    Detailed, thoroughly revised and personalized course content helps students to actively engage in learning and effectively upgrade their existing skills.

Online education offers the possibility of self-assessment through various online tests designed to help students in determining the extent of their progress in learning. The tests can be easy or challenging, depending on the requirements and preferences of the individual student. Sometimes, online seminars and competitions such as quizzes or blog writing challenges are organized in order to make learning more interesting, enjoyable and fun.

Vision Science Academy, believes in delivering the best education and guidance to aspiring students and professionals in the widely popular science of vision and eye care. Students can learn any time from the comfort of their home and can easily access our extensive academic resources and highly informative journals. The Academy also offers expert guidance and advice from highly qualified professional trainers and students can communicate with them whenever they want.   The Academy cherishes the belief that education should not only be enriching but enjoyable too and coordinates several interesting seminars and competitions to make the process of learning a pleasurable and rewarding experience. Explore the amazing world of Vision Science Academy, which is not only cost effective but also highly enriching and inspiring.