ViSThON 2022-23 | Webinar 5 | Dr. Timos Naskas

Topic: The Application of Optical Coherence Tomography into Imaging Retinal Diseases

Dr. Timos Naskas
B.Sc. Optometry (Hons), M.Sc. COpthal
Ph.D. in Macula & Multimodal Retinal Imaging
Fellow of the American Academy of Project Management
Clinical Project Manager at CRO Company, Greece
Joint Editor and Senior Program Manager, Vision Science Academy

In this webinar, Dr. Timos Naskas will discuss the revolutionisation of Optical Coherence Tomography for the diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases. This talk will also present the most efficacious manner OCT is employed in challenging retinal diseases.

Webinar Scheduled on
Sunday, 6th November 2022
2:30 PM (GMT), 5:30 PM (EET), 8:00 PM (IST)


Join us in the 5th of the series of 50 webinars.