Somayeh Heidarzadeh, M.Optom

Senior Training Manager, Vision Science Academy


Vision Science Academy Exclusive


How do innovative Projection for Myopia and Glaucoma (2010-2030-2050) contact lenses help to tackle myopia and glaucoma?

Innovative contact lenses are proved to be more effective in treating Glaucoma and Myopia. Innovative contact lenses with a dioptre of –5.00 or more are prescribed to people having high Myopia. They reduce the refractive error in myopic eyes and move the focus point back onto the retina. According to a study, innovative contact lenses reduce myopic progression by approximately 40%. Now, Scientists have designed smart contact lenses which can also treat glaucoma effectively.(1) These smart contact lenses are drug based. They treat glaucoma by monitoring the pressure inside the eye, thus delivering the drug when it becomes high. The outer layer of these lenses consists of six tiny copper plates arranged in the form of a ring around the pupil—this layer sense eye deformation caused by the increased eye pressure. An antenna near the eye sends a signal to the inner layer containing brimonidine. As a result, the inner layer releases this pressure-reducing drug into the eye.

NOTE:  MiSight contact lenses are usually suggested for myopic patients. They slow down the progression of Myopia by 59%, and they are considered more effective than eyeglasses.

What makes innovative contact lenses superior to other treatments?

There are many other ways to treat Myopic and Glaucoma eyes other than contact lenses. For example, eye drops, surgery, and laser treatment are often used. According to an estimation, 95% of these medications are drained into the nasal cavity when they enter the eyes.(2) From the Nasal cavity, they get into our bloodstream and organs, thus causing severe side effects. Eye specialists suggest that laser treatments and surgery are also ineffective because they cannot cure Glaucoma and Myopia, but they protect the vision from getting worse. On the other hand, innovative contact lenses release their drug slowly, which stays in the eyes (for protection) and is not transmitted to the nasal cavity and other body parts. This makes contact lenses superior to other treatments.


The above discussion concludes that Myopia and Glaucoma are serious eye problems that can be treated. An innovative contact lens is one of the best treatments because it has no side effects compared to other treatments. So, we can say that Innovative contact lens technology is the most reliable option to help us achieve the mission of reducing Myopia and Glaucoma patients worldwide. However, there is a great need to spread awareness among people regarding these two eye problems because detection at an earlier stage can prevent them from this disease burden.
In my opinion, it would be helpful in controlling the myopia progression and monitoring IOP simultaneously if we combine technology used in the two and use in the already existing contact lenses into one lens. These contact lenses are Sensimed Triggerfish lenses which provides insights into the ocular volume changes throughout the day and night. The device includes a smart contact lens that captures spontaneous changes in the eye providing ophthalmologists with valuable information that can help guide glaucoma treatment and the MiSight Contact lenses can Correct near-sightedness and slows the progression of myopia in children.



  1. Myopia Control With Multifocal Contact Lenses. Modern Optometry; Bryn Mawr Communications. Retrieved   September 2, 2022, from
  2. Smart contact lens could replace eye drops, prevent blindness for Glacouma patients—Study Finds. (n.d.). Retrieved September 2, 2022, from


Sources for more information:

  1. Chen, S.-J., Lu, P., Zhang, W.-F., & Lu, J.-H. (2012). High myopia as a risk factor in primary open angle Glacouma. International Journal of Ophthalmology, 5(6), 750.
  2. Cope, J. R., Collier, S. A., Rao, M. M., Chalmers, R., Mitchell, G. L., Richdale, K., Wagner, H., Kinoshita, B. T., Lam, D. Y., & Sorbara, L. (2015). Contact lens wearer demographics and risk behaviors for contact lens-related eye infections—United States, 2014. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 64(32), 865.
  3. Glacouma: Facts & Figures | BrightFocus Foundation. (n.d.-a). Retrieved September 2, 2022, from
  4. Mitchell, P., & Hourihan, F. (1999). Sandbach J, Wang JJ. The Relationship between Glacouma and Myopia: The Blue Mountains Eye Study. Ophthalmology, 106, 2010–2015.
  5. Myopia—IMU computer group 6​Treat the disease not the symptom. (n.d.). Retrieved September 2, 2022, from
  6. Myopia—Myopia Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved September 2, 2022, from
  7. New Contact Lenses Could Improve Glacouma Treatment. (n.d.-a). Retrieved September 2, 2022, from
  8. Ophthalmology Management—Glacouma’s growing prevalence in the US. (n.d.). Ophthalmology Management. Retrieved September 2, 2022, from;s-growing-prevalence-in-the-us
  9. Study Finds Most Americans Have Good Vision, But 14 Million Are Visually Impaired. (2015, September 30). National Institutes of Health (NIH).
  10. Tham, Y.-C., Li, X., Wong, T. Y., Quigley, H. A., Aung, T., & Cheng, C.-Y. (2014). Global prevalence of Glacouma and projections of Glacouma burden through 2040: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ophthalmology, 121(11), 2081–2090.


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